• Amendment to the Mortgage Foreclosure Law: Legal Advice to Guarantors and Mortgagors

    On November 13, 2014, new amendments were made to the Thai Civil and Commercial Code (CCC), the law governing surety and mortgages. The amendments will change the way guarantees and mortgages can be given, favouring guarantors and mortgagors and providing security to the lender and their interest by significantly reducing the amount of risk a […]

  • Thai Copyright Act 2015: Intellectual Property Law in the New Technology Age

    Enacted since 1994, the Thai Copyright Act B.E. 2537 has remained unchanged despite numerous attempts of lawmakers to modernize the law. The technological advancements that transpired over the course of 20 years made the law over copyright in Thailand unable to tackle copyright infringement in the digital age. In late 2014, the National Legislative Assembly […]

  • Fundamentals of Investing in Thailand

    Are you contemplating on investing in Thailand by starting a business? If so, here are some of the legal basics—a rough business guide in Thailand—you need to know as potential foreign investor:     1. Company Registration and Work Permits  Foreign investors are generally allowed to start a business in Thailand, which would be subject […]

  • Forthcoming Amendments of Intellectual Property Laws

    Under the new Government, various Intellectual Property laws have undergone revisions—including the Copyright Act, Trademark Act and Trade Secret Act Copyright Act: Two sets of amendments to the Copyright Act were approved by the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) in November 2014 and are now awaiting the King’s signature to be effective. The first set of […]
